
Timer/Chronometer/Countdown compatible with AMD and NodeJS
javascript nodejs amd requirejs timer chronometer countdown mocha



Easy to use Timer/Chronometer/Countdown library compatible with AMD and NodeJS



npm install easytimer.js --save


bower install easytimer.js

Library Load


<script src="lib/easytimer/dist/easytimer.min.js"></script>
  var timerInstance = new easytimer.Timer();


var Timer = require("easytimer.js").Timer;
var timerInstance = new Timer();

// or

var { Timer } = require("easytimer.js");
var timerInstance = new Timer();

ES6 / Typescript Imports

import Timer from "easytimer.js";
const timer = new Timer();

// or

import { Timer } from "easytimer.js";
const timer = new Timer();


require(["node_modules/easytimer.js/dist/easytimer.min.js"], function (
) {
  var timer = new easytimer.Timer();

// or

require(["node_modules/easytimer.js/dist/easytimer.min.js"], function ({
}) {
  var timer = new Timer();



Basic Usage

var timer = new Timer(/* default config */);
timer.start(/* config */);
timer.addEventListener("secondsUpdated", function (e) {


If you want to use EasyTimer with React, you can use the EasyTimer React Hook. You can check out the hook documentation here:

EasyTimer React Hook

Timer instance API

  • start(config): Start the timer
    • Parameters:
      • config (object):
        • startValues (object or array): The initial values of the timer when it is started
          • Accepted Values: Object with some of these keys: 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days'. Or an array with this 5 positions: [secondTenths, seconds, minutes, hours, days]
          • Default Value (object or array): [0,0,0,0,0]
        • target (object or array): The target values that will make the timer to stop.
          • Accepted Values: Object with some of these keys: 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days'. Or an array with this 5 positions: [secondTenths, seconds, minutes, hours, days]
          • Default Value: Undefined
        • precision (string): The timer update frequency.
          • Accepted Values: 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours'
          • Default value: 'seconds'
        • callback (function): A callback function executed every time the timer is updated. The callback receives the timer as a parameter.
        • countdown (bool): If true, the timer is a countdown.
    • You can pass this same config when a Timer instance is created. For example: new Timer({ target: { seconds: 10 } }). This default config will be merged with the config passed to the start function.
  • stop(): Stop the timer
  • pause(): Pause the timer. After pause, you can call the start method without parameters to resume the timer.
  • reset(): Reset the timer values
  • isRunning(): Returns true if the timer is currently running.
  • isPaused(): Returns true if the timer is paused.
  • addEventListener(eventType, callback): Add a listener to an event. Timer triggers events when is updated
    • Events triggered:
      • secondTenthsUpdated
      • secondsUpdated
      • minutesUpdated
      • hoursUpdated
      • daysUpdated
      • targetAchieved
      • stopped
      • reset
      • started
      • paused
    • Parameters:
      • eventType (string): The type of the event that you want to listen.
      • callback (function): Function that will be executed when the timer triggers the specified event. The callback receives an object with the timer as a parameter.
  • on(eventType, callback): addEventListener alias.
  • removeEventListener(eventType, callback): Removes an event listener from the timer. Same usage as addEventListener.
  • off(eventType, callback): removeEventListener alias.
  • removeAllEventListeners(eventType): Removes all events listeners for the given type. If no type is given it will remove all event listeners.
  • getTimeValues(): Returns an object with the current values. The keys of the returned object are 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours' and 'days'.
  • getTotalTimeValues(): Returns an object with the current absolute values. The keys of the returned object are 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours' and 'days'.
  • getConfig(): Returns the configuration parameters.

Browser Support

Easytimer uses dispatchEvent, and this feature is available in these Browsers:

  • Chrome (version >= 4)
  • Firefox (version >= 2)
  • IE (version >= 9)
  • Opera (version >= 9)
  • Safari (version >= 3)
  • Mobile browsers

Known Issues

This library uses the Date class to calculate timer values. Date uses the system clock. If this clock is changed to a different date while the timer is running the timer values will be incorrect after that. If you know a way to fix that without losing time precision, please collaborate!

npm i easytimer.js


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Albert Gonzalez
  • released 8/28/2023

